The tutors of the PlusPlusOne program are vital to its success and we are now looking for tutors for our 2022 programmes. Contact us to register your interest.
And we would like to say a huge thank you to all our 2021 tutors for their contribution in making our first programms a success:
Kathryn Addo
Aziz Al-Dilaimi
Paris Bethel
Kervins Chauvet
Anoep Chowari
Michael Clarke
Remco Dongor
Kimia Farshizad
Safi Graauw
Amber Hooijmans
Gavin Kempenaar
Hesdy Lonwijk
Coco Olakunle
Maxine Penney
Fabian Sapthu
Niem Tewarie
Ankita Tobit
Baba Touré
Craig T. Williams
Everyone can help in our mission to increase the diversity of the creative marketing industry. We’re looking for buddies for 2022 to help our candidates succeed in their entry into our industry.
All you have to commit to is one hour a week of your time to help support our candidates with questions they have about their new traineeship roles.
So if you’re mid to senior level and interested in using your experience to help others and help make a positive change in our industry then contact us.
Apply to be a buddy